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asterisk App-Hangup 挂机  

2009-08-20 15:35:18|  分类: Asterisk |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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 Unconditional hangup

Unconditionally hangs up a given channel by returning -1 always.

For PRI Connections: Setting a PRI_CAUSE
Available on CVS versions March, 2004
On Zap PRI channels it is possible to set the PRI_CAUSE variable prior to Hangup(). This will send a PRI DISCONNECT message with the set CAUSE element to the switch. Some commonly used causecodes:
ZAP Pri通道上在挂机前设置PRI_CAUSE变量是可能的,这会发送PRI DISCONNECT消息

    1 = Unallocated number
   16 = Normal call clearing
   17 = User busy
   18 = No user responding (telephone device not connected)
   21 = Call rejected
   22 = Number changed
   27 = Destignation out of order
   38 = Network out of order
   41 = Temporary failure

In Canada, through Group Telecom (May work through others) The hangup with PRI_CAUSE delivers these messages.


PRI_CAUSE = 0,22,28,65-66 We're sorry your call cannot be completedas dialed, please contact the group telecom customer service center at1-877-484-5101 if you require assistance.

PRI_CAUSE = 2-16,19-20,23-27,29-40,43-53,55-64,67-100 Fast Busy Signal / Congestions

PRI_CAUSE = 17,41 Slow Busy Signal (Normal busy signal you hear every day)

PRI_CAUSE = 18,21 Ringing (Normal ringing you hear every day)

PRI_CAUSE = 42,54 We're sorry, all circuits are busy, please try your call again later.




    exten => i,1,SetVar(PRI_CAUSE=1)   
    ; invalid extension dialed - PRI_CAUSE=unallocated number
    exten => i,2,Hangup                
    ; send the DISCONNECT message
    ; This will in most cases result in a network generated recording like
    "The number you have dialed has been disconnected ..."

See also
Asterisk cmd softhangup
Asterisk variable Hangupcause
Asterisk variable DIALSTATUS
Asterisk variable PRI_CAUSE
Asterisk variables


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