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Install Asterisk 1.4 and Asterisk GUI in CentOS 4 and CentOS 5  

2009-09-17 11:12:12|  分类: Asterisk |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1. Preparing for installation

Installation of Asterisk 1.4 is slightly different than installing Asterisk 1.2. There are some slight changes in the installation and some packages is needed. Asterisk GUI is available for Asterisk 1.4 only and the installation package is avalabe in Digium's svn repository. To install Asterisk GUI you need to download the subversion package.

Do the command:

yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel kernel-devel bison openssl-devel libtermcap-devel ncurses-devel subversion

After installating the updates, you need to reboot to boot to your new kernel, just type the command below.


2. Downloading Asterisk and Zaptel

Download the latest asterisk-1.4, libpri-1.4 and zaptel-1.4 source from the Digium's download site: http://downloads.digium.com

Untar the Asterisk-1.4 and zaptel-1.4 source to /usr/src/

tar -zxvf zaptel- -C /usr/src/
tar -zxvf libpri-1.4.3.tar.gz -C /usr/src/
tar -zxvf asterisk-1.4.18.tar.gz -C /usr/src/

3. Compiling and Installing

Installing Zaptel

After extracting the source, you can start now the installation of Asterisk, zaptel should be install first.

You go to the zaptel-1.4.xx directory in /usr/src/zaptel-1.4.xx and do the command:

You will notice that the ./configure command was not used in installing Zaptel 1.2 and Asterisk 1.2.

Then continue the installation using the following commands.

make install

Libpri installation

The libpri libraries do not make use of the autoconf build environment, the installation of lipri 1.4 is same as installing libpri 1.2.
cd ..
cd libpri-1.2.3/
make install

Asterisk installation

cd ..
cd asterisk-1.4.18/
make install
make samples

4. Getting Asterisk GUI

Alright, lets download the Asterisk GUI from Digium svn repository, to download the Asterisk GUI, go to the /usr/src/ directory and type this command:

5. Compiling Asterisk GUI

The source of Asterisk GUI is now downloaded in /usr/src/asterisk-gui/. Lets install Asterisk GUI.

make install
make samples

6. Configuration

There are two files you must configure in order for Asterisk GUI to run. These files are manager.conf and http.conf located in /etc/asterisk/. Lets start at manager.conf.

[general]  displaysystemname = yes  enabled = no  webenabled = no  

This is the default configuration of your manager.conf, to configure you must change the last two lines with = no with = yes.

[general]  displaylastsystemname = yes  enabled = yes  webenabled =yes  

The output must be like this.
Next we will add a new user to manager.conf

[username]  secret = password  read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config  write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config  

Lets configure the http.conf files, remember that this is the last configuration file we need to edit to be able to run the Asterisk GUI. Your http.conf should look exactly like this and you're done...

enabled=yes  enablestatic=yes  bindaddr=  

After that run "make checkconfig" in your asterisk-gui directory. This script will check if your GUI is correctly configured.

7. Loading ztdummy and startup scripts.

Lets load the ztdummy module and add ztdummy and Asterisk to /etc/rc.local. To load ztdummy module, type this command in the console.

modprobe zaptel
modprobe ztdummy

And to add ztdummy and Asterisk in startup scripts, edit the file /etc/rc.local and add the following line:

modprobe zaptel  modprobe ztdummy  asterisk –g  

To load your Asterisk GUI, run the command "asterisk -g" in the console and point your browser to http://your-server-ip:8088/asterisk/static/config/cfgbasic.html

After you logon, you can now configure your Asterisk PBX using a nice GUI interface.

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